Determination starts with a passion, a goal, an ideal …
Warren Lehr | September 2017
Warren Lehr | September 2017
Vince Lombardi related success to determination when he said, “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” Not their attainment of excellence, but their commitment to it, their determination to reach it defines the quality of a life.
He also said, “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.”
So then, if you ascribe to Lombardi’s wisdom, it is our will, our determination that defines our quality of life, our success.
Determination is defined for us as “Purposing to accomplish right goals at the right time, regardless of the opposition.”
1) Determination starts with a passion, a goal, an ideal, a high standard, competitiveness, disgust, or an emotion or feeling that causes us to say, “I won’t accept anything less than …”
As an actor finds motivation for a character (“What’s my motivation?”), we have to find a passion to fire up determination for a goal, project, ideal, or dream.
2) Determination is a decision. Even with a passion or vision, you have to decide to act. The best intentions accomplish nothing without action. Do you set goals and schedule the steps to reach them? If we don’t determine what we are going to accomplish, what we accomplish will be determined by others.
Lack of determination on a goal is the equivalent of procrastination.
3) Determination requires a plan. Tom Landry said, “Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” Once you have a plan, start where you are and take the next step. Try to do at least one thing daily to move you closer to your goal. Determination is refreshed and energized by momentum. Do your daily actions match what you say you want to accomplish?
4) Determination requires facing challenges. Someone once said, “Success is not measured by heights attained, but by obstacles overcome.” Don’t lose hope when you know you are doing the right thing. Sacrifices are choices you make in order to secure something more valuable. Are you willing to make sacrifices to reach your goal?
5) Determination requires flexibility. If one plan fails, remember your original purpose, and find another way to accomplish the goal. Are you willing to step back, re-evaluate and seek help, perspective, or wisdom from others?
6) Determination, like passion and enthusiasm, is contagious. Followers decide to commit to a vision or goal based on their perception of your commitment to it. Passion is the catalyst for determination and it’s energized by enthusiasm. Are you willing to find others who share your passion, vision, and determination to make it happen?
Finally, most of us here will likely be defined by our determination.
Without determination, there are no significant or great accomplishments. Are you working on something right now that will matter in 100 years?
Originally published in the Owasso Reporter September 2017