Struggle with Punctuality?
Nathan Purifoy | August 2023
Nathan Purifoy | August 2023
Can I be honest? Punctuality is something that I have struggled with. Some people just seem to have it down. They have it together. Others have to work for it…or worse, they may be continually three minutes, five minutes, or (you fill in the blank) minutes late. I want to give some encouragement and hope to those like me, to whom punctuality does not come naturally. The truth is though, those who have it together and who are always punctual – they also work for it. They’re not punctual by accident. They’ve learned how to build this healthy habit in their life, and all of us can grow in this area.
So, one easy definition of punctuality might simply be, “being on time.” Fair enough. That works. However, I prefer the way the character banners around town define it, “showing respect for others by doing the right thing at the right time.” That gets to the heart of one of the main aspects of punctuality – respect for others. That’s really what it’s about.
If we arrive late to an appointment, we are subtly communicating to the person waiting that, “My time and priorities are actually more important than yours, and I don’t mind if you have to spend your time waiting on me.” When we face that reality, we can all agree that that is not a character trait we want to reflect. How punctual we choose to be – and it is a choice – is truly a reflection of how much we value others.
Now one may feel that was not consciously thought of while running late for an appointment. One might think that it was just a string of circumstances beyond control, causing him or her to be late. However, if an honest and thoughtful look is taken, a pattern will come to light. With intentional effort to set and follow better priorities, and to exercise better management of time, punctuality can be consistently achieved. This is all done out of an effort to show the value we place on others, blessing everyone involved.
My dad used to teach me that if I was 15 minutes late for an appointment with five other people, I wasn’t actually 15 minutes late. I was 75 minutes late, or 15 multiplied by the five people waiting. I used to have trouble with that, but as I grew up I began to understand the importance of what he was teaching – emphasizing the value of others and their time. You see, time is precious. No matter how many things you can recover in life, you can’t ever get back lost time.
So, if punctuality is something you’d like to work on, one idea is to ask the advice of someone wise. Find out what has helped them be punctual and put it into practice. Work on it with intentionality. You will grow and you’ll experience blessings as a result.
At the end of the day, the most important things in life are our relationships with God and with others. So let’s encourage one another in our pursuit of character and punctuality. It will enhance our lives, blessing us and those we love.